Category: Blog Posts

OneThinx, VSCode, Cortex-Debug GDB Deprecation

If you have read the previous posts and followed them, you have set up an environment to build and debug PSOC5LP code natively on a Mac, after creating the schematic in PSOC Creator. So, today, my VSCode updated itself. Suddenly two warnings popped up: WARNING: Cortex-Debug will deprecate use...

PSOC 5LP, Mac, C++, libm.a error (Updated)

I ran into an issue with the OneThinx pack for MacOs. For some reason, it can’t pick up the libm.a library when compiling on the Macintosh. The only reason I have time to fight this is that it helps during my day job, so I can document what is...

PSOC5LP and QT-Creator (Bare Metal)

If you have read the previous two posts, you know that Rolf Nooteboom of OneThinx has posted how to debug the PSOC5LP on Mac/Linux/Windows, only using PSOC Creator for the Warp Verilog design and compile cycle through the GUI schematic. I followed that and was able to get the...

Intermission: PSOC5 Compile/Debug Natively on the Mac Part 2 (Updated)

I did not expect to make another post about this, but I have some experience with this process now. Update includes info (see BIG HINT) on the debugger part, and running software on later Mac builds. Setup Stumbles During my attempt to set up this environment at home, it...

Intermission: PSOC5LP Compile/Debug On Mac (Updated)

I found out about OneThinx a few months ago, but never had the round-tuit. I acquired a tuit the other day, about the same time I came across Rolf Nooteboom’s post on the Cypress (Infineon) community page where he indicated he had done a Visual Studio project for PSOC5...

SOCino-Ramps Available (Updated)

The SOCino-ramps board is available with this post. It is released under the GPL V3 (or later) version. A commercial license is available. This license does not override previous licenses. Because Infineon does not want psoc associated with a product name, (possibly due to trademark requirements), it is called...

3D Printer – Running Motors

An FDM 3D printer uses a nozzle that is heated to the liquid point of the “printing” material and moves that nozzle in specific patterns. These patterns are governed by command from a printing program. The commands are called G Code commands, and became the first standards in controlling...

3D Printer Text Based Menu

Life is what happens while you are making other plans. (This quote is a secular rephrasing of Proverbs 16:9 circa 350 B.C. See Well, I have been hit squarely in the head by my proposing and God’s disposing. That makes this post *much* later than it should be....

Display Part 3: Rotary Switch And Buttons

In the continuing saga of blending a CY8CKit-059 board from Cypress Semiconductors (owned now by Infineon) into the 3D printer world, I am now working on the Display. In previous posts, the inexpensive RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller has been the bane of my programming existence. I now have...

Display Part 2

Last time I had (finally!) correctly initialized the display and printed ASCII text on it. The problem I immediately ran into was the fact that 4 lines by 16 characters was not enough to display what I wanted. A lot of the displays out there are 4 lines by...