Category: Blog Posts

Infrared Remote Recording Part 2

The PSOC electronic design shown in the last post provides a mechanism for capture of the Infra-Red light (IR) broadcast by the remote. You will find on the internet that most IR remotes use Manchester Encoding. I found that for A/C units, that was not completely true, so I...

Infrared Remote Recording

Note: To re-create this project to this point, go back to the post PSoC USB UART: A Debugging Tool and work from there. If you are starting out with PSOC, go back to the post PSoC 101 and a PSOC Creator Trick In this post I will show the...

PSOC: Millisecond Timer The Easy Way

It is extremely easy to add a millisecond timer to your project. With a 24 MHz or 48 MHz ARM CPU processor speed, a timer only takes a few microseconds to execute. Let’s get started. Add Clock and ISR Go to the schematic sheet, right click on a bottom...

Floating Point Reading: Temperature Over USBUART

If you have been following the posts from the beginning, your application can print messages to the USB connected serial port, and get typed characters from the keyboard. See the previous post, PSoC USB UART: A Debugging Tool, here (Note I updated it as I found another issue.)...

Temp Sensor: 1-wire DS18B20

Years ago, Dallas Semiconductor created an unusual protocol that used the device’s input power line for communication. Using an embedded capacitor, the device can stand for power to be absent long enough to communicate to an MCU. This allows a sensor to be powered and communicate using one wire...

PSoC USB UART: A Debugging Tool (Updated)

When working on a project, it is often useful to have the ability to peek into the world of the processor. In those cases, I like to combine the ability to power my project with 5 Volts with a communication path into my code. This can easily be accomplished...

Intermission: Electrical Debugging Tips

Before I post about USB UART, I feel the need to cover electrical debugging on the PSOC. Since the PSOC is a mixed signal device, handling both analog and digital signals internally, you have challenges when debugging your project. In order to trouble-shoot your project, you must be able...

Firmware Update CY8CKit & Temp Sensor Preview

Once you receive your kit from Cypress, you need to update the debugger’s firmware on on the board. Cypress makes it easy if you are running a Windows machine, but using VMWare makes it more complex as a guest operating system. I describe it as a dance. With the...

BreadBoarding CY8CKIT-059

Cypress has a great platform: The CY8CKIT-059. On this board is a debugger and a PSOC 5LP device. It works well with Macintosh and VMWare. The version you purchase has to go through a firmware upgrade. It requires some dancing, however. Once you have your project finished, you can...

PSoC 101 and a PSOC Creator Trick (Updated)

(Touch.bat now explained.) One of the major reasons I like the PSoC family is due to the PSoC Creator. As of this writing, it is at version 4.3. Even though the IDE is several years old, it is still the most intuitive development environment available. This IDE is available...