Category: Blog Posts

3DP: Heating Part 3

Ugh. My last post is good in some parts, bad in others. Reworked! In order to reuse as much code as possible, I blended several structures into a larger one, and refactored the code. I also added a temperature monitor to stop the printer in case there is a...

3DP: RTOS and Heating

This post should finish the heating of a 3d printer bed and extruder within FreeRTOS. The code has been delayed to enable me to test to make sure it works. Finally! Over Temperature and Maintenance have been tested. Free RTOS and PSOC There have been several posts on the...

Intermission #3: PSoC Creator and PSoC 62 2×5, Updated

I finally have what I consider an answer to the non-support of the full line of PSOC 62 in the PSOC Creator. The answer may surprise you. The PSOC 62 “245” part that came out in March of 2020 is NOT a PSOC. The PSOC 62 2×5 series of...

Intermission #2: PSOC Creator and PSOC 6 — FAILURE!

In the previous post, I covered how to use the Modus Toolbox to discover what was included in the example project for the PSOC 6. Since Infineon appears to have made the decision to only support new development boards in Modus Toolbox, and move away from the Visual Development...

Intermission: CY8CPROTO-062S3-4343W

I received an email from Cypress offering me a development kit. They indicated they wanted to reward their helpful Community Users. I have answered a few questions for beginners in the PSOC community. I accepted, and in about 4 weeks the kit arrived. I have always liked the way...

3D Printing,PSOC, and Heat

FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) is possible because what we call “plastic” melts, and re-melts. It can be re-melted many times, as long as you have not cooked it so much only carbon is left over. It flows from the extruder nozzle using a combination of gravity and back pressure...

Temperature, Again, with Project Zip Archive!

Update: I had neglected to include the project archive. It is downloadable here.   I created a new temperature back case to be 3d printed, and printed a new cover in white, with less “rough” settings for the printer. It came out quite nicely. I moved the temperature unit...

Real Time Operating System

The problem with RTOS’s is they always get complicated. At least that is how they are presented when put out there for everyone to use. To give you easier access to an RTOS, I have taken a different approach for the PSOC 5. FreeRTOS has been ported to the...

Found a Problem

The trap set up in the last post worked. The blue light was not flashing. I carefully loaded the code and “attached to running target.” The IDE showed where the code was frozen: The code is stuck in the CaptureISR. This interrupt service routine is used to time received...

A Problem With Temperature

I left the prototype running over several days and suddenly realized it was not working. The beeper on the A/C control panel had not sounded, and the room temperature was too high. I went over to the desk unit, touched the screen, and suddenly it started working. Hmm. Sleepiness...